Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Navajo Origin Legend Questions/Iroquois questions

1. The imagines I saw when I was reading this where colorful, detailed, and untruthful. Like I saw the colors and the details the story describe, but it seems a little far fetched.

2A. The ceremony stages where: laying buckskin to the west and the east on top of one of another, then to ears of corn(yellow and white) and put them between the skins with a feather of the same color of the colors under the corns. (Not necessarily in that order)
2B. The ceremony tells me that the Navajo pare land people. Like they respect the land and also uses its resources. Also they believe in gods.
3A. The wind represents life. It is the way we live, though speaking or breathing.
3B. The people of Navajo believe the wind is life, so in the ceremony it comes last because in the steps you have to prepare before you can put the finishing touches on it. So it is the last to go in and when they die first the leave.
1. No, because I wouldn't be suitable for this whole. I feel i would try to do my best for others, but ended up thinking about myself in the hard times.
2A. They plant a Great Peace Tree.
2B. The roots of the Great Peace Tree represent the directions, and saying that it will always guide you.
3A. The lords greet one another and pretty much say thank you for everything they have.
3B. That they are serious people about their peace, and want a truthful person for this role over others.
4A. He uses trees for peace, eagle for protection, and shells for commitment.
4B. That nature is peace to them and it should be left that way and not destroyed by man and that it is protected by the animals, and they use nature items to represent they commitments and other things. So it tells me that they respect nature and use it for all it's worth without destroying it.
5A. That they have to abide by their oath and be worthy of the tastes, be all about the people, and whats best for nature.
5B. Not very will, because leaders now a days are mostly about themselves and how much money they can make. They are not for the people like they speak about. Leaders now a days are all bark no bite.
6. Yes, but in this modern day and time it couldn't happen, because of all the corruption, and selfishness. People might say they would do it, but in the end they are always about themselves. Anyone can say "yeah I'll do this, I agree," but they won't do anything about it. 

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